
When you have a Kinesiology balance with us, one of the very powerful elements that is in our Kinesiology tool belt is to pull out the emotions connected to the goal we’re working on together…

…and sometimes the emotions that are lurking just behind the curtain can take us by surprise.

One of the hugest turning points for me early in my Kinesiology studies, was having a balance and ‘Loneliness’ coming up as a priority in the balance.

I remember furrowing my brow and questioning… Loneliness….? Really? Me..?

…but I’m the busy, friendly girl with LOADS of friends and a loving husband and two awesome kids and a big noisy and annoying family…

…then I really stopped to think about what being lonely meant to me.

And realised that I WAS lonely.

REALLY lonely.

After shifting the pervasive feeling of loneliness I popped out the other end feeling like a new person!

A happier, contented, kinder and more mindful version of myself. I turned into a version of myself I knew I could be, but just could never seem to find the time to get there. Because I didn’t feel isolated or lonely anymore – I could really see the love and friendship in my life.

A lovely client recently told me that a Kinesiology balance was like having ‘all these issues and emotions pulled out of your head’ so you can take a good look at them.

I loved this description of how a balance works because it is so true.

Loneliness might not be your barrier, it could be any number of things that could be holding you back…
…But once you know what they are, it’s much easier and to get beyond them, and find the REAL you.