This is where your journey begins.

We’re blessed to be here on Earth at this time.  Your Soul is here for a purpose and it’s had lifetimes to reach this moment. 

Now is the time.  Earth is quickening, its frequency is rising, and you’re being asked to meet it. It doesn’t have to be hard.  You can choose for it to be easy. Allow us to guide you as you make this adventure to be as simple and beautiful as it can be.

Soul workshops are intended to flow from one to the next, however they can be equally rewarding as a once off workshop.

So come and join me on a Sunday to explore the connections of our Soul growth here on Earth and the cycles of the Earth’s seasons.

Training Dates in 2022

Soul Awaking Workshop
Sunday 13 February 2022 | 2023 date to be announced

In this workshop, we’ll explore the layers of our Soul Awaking so you can understand where you’re at in your Soul’s growth and use tools to help soothe the path. You’ll receive a set of Soul Awaking cards and a crystal pendulum to support your Soul Awaking adventure and we’ll play with the 7 Soul Teas at the workshop too.

For a little more about what we’ll cover in our first Sunday together, I invite you to read this short article.

Soul Beholding Workshop
Sunday 15 May 2022

We’ll explore and activate the new soul energy that many of us have been feeling (and perhaps grappling with!) over the last few months. This energy is very strong and carries the legacy of the Divine Feminine. In this workshop, I’ll introduce you to the 5 Mother energy that’s coming in to activate the Divine Feminine at this time.

For a little more about what we’ll cover in the Soul Beholding Workshop, I invite you to read this short article and, if you’d like to join us, book here or email me to reserve your spot.

Soul Ascending Workshop
Sunday 28 August 2022

Soul Mending Workshop
Sunday 27 November 2022

The cost is $195 per workshop and payment plans are available.

Check out the FAQ below or email me to reserve your spot.


How many students are in each class?

A minimum of 10 students is required to run the class and spaces are limited to a maximum of 14 students to ensure a great learning experience.What are the session times?

Each class is held from 11am to 4pm on a Sunday.Is the training in person or online?

All training is in person and our training studio is located at Kensington Park, South Australia.How much does training cost?

AUD $195 per workshop which includes training materials.Is there a payment plan available?

Yes. There’s an option to pay per workshop, rather than upfront if that’s better for your budget.Do I have to attend every workshop?

You can choose to come to as many of the sessions as feels right for you, so we welcome you whether you’d like to join us for one, two, three or all four workshops.I have more questions.

Drop us an email at and we’d be happy to answer all of your questions. 🙂