One of the unexpected benefits of Kinesiology balances for me was the balancing of my hormones and as a result, the reduction of PMS symptoms and period pain.

I know this isn’t a topic that you discuss much between friends, but I feel like I need to share this info for all the women out there who suffer period pain and turn into mood monsters.

I had laparoscopy surgery around 10 years ago and since experienced increased period pain – I went from not really knowing I had my period to intense and constant pain that made it difficult some months to work.

My husband used to tell me that he could pick when my period was due a week out, based on his barometer of my moods. I used to catch myself getting super grumpy with everyone, including myself.

But worse, I used to find myself in the shower or the car – anywhere where I was by myself – having terribly negative conversations with myself. Putting myself down or negative self talk. I was my own worst enemy…

…But I thought it was just my lot…

…but not any more 🙂 

My PMS just vanished. Period pain reduced significantly and the length and heaviness of my periods also reduced. Every month gets better and better.

Maybe one day a burst of glitter will come out and I’ll make my own self dispensing tampons – but until then, I’ll happily take the good moods and less pain 🙂

Kaylee x